With the use of online tools in a variety of life spheres, computer literacy is in high demand. Back in the time, a few professions required these skills. Traditional paperwork is taken into the virtual culture. Remote work and freelancing are going viral. In education, starting an early age, the utilization of gadgets is increasing. Even in everyday tasks, online formats are taking over, from tax forms all the way to family albums. Picking up some skills will help you thrive in this environment.

File conversions are one of those. It is a process of taking your file into a different format. Oftentimes certain programs don’t support your file. Whether you want to keep your records safe, memories fresh, or you need to upload some documents in PDF that you made in Word, we are presenting you with the top five ways to ease your time converting.

1. Check out the application

Sounds logical, right? However, we tend to overlook the opportunity of using the original application to change the format. For instance, if you want to take the Google Docs piece down as a PDF, the easiest way is to go back to it and download it directly into the format of your choice.

When using Canva, an online design application, there are multiple solutions as well. Your creation can be saved as JPG, PNG, Animation, PDF Standard or Print, etc. Experimenting is allowed, since the system support downloading the same project in different forms, or delaying

2. Chrome extension

A smart tool we recommend is the Chrome Extension. Available at Google Chrome’s Web Store, once installed, will do everything for you. Input your request in the address bar. The algorithms recognize it and complete the conversion, sending you the link to the file. Navigable with the esthetic interface, it supports a range of formats, such as PDF, JPG, TXT, or XLS.

3. Software

The main benefit of installing the software for flipping the formats is that it is always handy. We don’t rely on the connection or the speed- it’s available in any environment. An example of such a system is the well known VLC Media Player. Possibly you already have it on your PC. The conversion of audio and video files is one of its features. It’s free software that makes a separate copy of the converted file, instead of editing the format on the sample. The range of formats is available, including MPEG-4, or WMV.

4. Online system

Without a single GB of space, online conversion tools are worth considering. Zamzar is one of the famous options. Used by the New York Times, it provides 1200+ formats. They pride themselves on long experience and efficiency, processing your request within 10 minutes. You get the link to the completed task via email. Converting more files at the same time is one of the unique and useful features. The price ranges from $ 9 to $25, depending on the file size. Online Convert is another popular tool with many applications, including software and ebook converter. There is an option to edit the files as well.

4. Converters

In the end, there are numerous specialized converter systems. Browse for the specific task, choose the website and your all set. PDF or MP3 converters are the most famous out there.

Our ancestors invented the knife or the wheel to ease their life. Although it takes different forms, we are creating hacks to simplify our days. Keep an eye on the tricks to help you go through the haste of daily routines. These are some cutting edges for the bustle of the technology world.